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Tiergesundheit und Tierschutz

The Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) provides scientific advice on all aspects of animal diseases and animal welfare. Its work chiefly concerns food producing animals, including fish.

AHAW Panel Members are scientists from across Europe with expertise in:

  • Risk assessment, quantitative risk assessment, modelling
  • Microbiology and pathology (applied to infectious diseases of food-producing animals, including aquatic animals)
  • Epidemiology
  • Animal welfare
  • Animal production (husbandry, housing and management, animal transport and stunning and killing of animals)

Panel Members

Mitglieder des AHAW-Gremiums, 2018-2021

Zusammensetzung des Gremiums und Interessenserklärungen.


Was sind die Netzwerke der EFSA?

Die Netzwerke der EFSA bestehen aus auf nationaler Ebene benannten Organisationen der EU-Mitgliedstaaten, die über Fachwissen in den vom Netzwerk abgedeckten Fachbereichen verfügen. Vertreter der Kommission und anderer Organisationen (auch von außerhalb der EU), die über besonderes Fachwissen verfügen, können ebenfalls zur Teilnahme an der Arbeit der EFSA-Netzwerke eingeladen werden.

Die Netzwerke werden von der EFSA geleitet und von den zuständigen EFSA-Referaten unterstützt. Ihr Ziel ist es, die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen des Auftrags der EFSA durch Folgendes zu erleichtern:

Network on Veterinary Entomology

The Network on Veterinary Entomology (NVE) aims to strengthen collaboration and exchange of information among involved stakeholders to support the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases (VBDs) in the Member States (MS) of the EU and in neighbouring countries. Given that VBDs require a one-health approach in their prevention and control, the network will work closely together with the Operational Contact Points (OCPs), nominated by the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC), representing the entomologists working in the human public health sector. Together they will constitute the One-Health VectorNet Entomological Network (OHVEN).

Risk assessment in animal health and welfare

EFSA networks with Member States to build a mutual understanding of risk assessment principles in the area of animal health and welfare, to promote harmonisation of animal health and welfare risk assessment practices and methodologies and to reduce the duplication of activities by identifying and sharing current and upcoming priorities.

Working groups

TSE Surveillance

African swine fever

African Swine Fever – EPI7

Avian influenza

Diathermic Syncope for Stunning Cattle

Fish diseases’ introduction in free areas

One Health Surveillance

Welfare FarmToFork - Protection of beef cattle

Welfare FarmToFork - Welfare of turkeys in farm

Welfare of Equidae

Welfare of fur animals

Closed working groups

African swine fever - 2013

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African swine fever - 2015

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AHL and 7 diseases

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AMR-AHL (M-2019-02012)

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Animal-based measures (ABMs) gap analysis

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Animal-based welfare indicators (dairy cows)

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Aquatic Animal Diseases

Avian Influenza - 2017

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Avian Influenza Monitoring (Art.31)

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Avian Influenza Monitoring (Art.31) - EFSA-Q-2017-00649

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Avian Influenza Monitoring (Art.31) - EFSA-Q-2017-00825

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Bee health

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Bovine Tuberculosis self-task

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Bovine tuberculosis vaccination

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Broiler welfare assessment - animal-based measures

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Bsal Art. 31

Available soon


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Control measures Cat. A diseases-AHL

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Data collection in broiler slaughterhouses

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Dioxide Stunning of Rabbits

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Early indicators and syndromic surveillance project

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Echinococcus (Art. 29)

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EFSA SWG on lumpy skin disease

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Electrical Stunning of Lambs

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Enzootic bovine leukosis

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Equine herpesvirus-1

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Foot and mouth disease

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Guidance on assessing alt. stunning methods

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HEALTHY-B self task

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High expansion foam for stunning and killing

Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA)

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Influenza A (H3N2v) virus

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Info session with stakeholders

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Low atmosphere pressure system (LAP) for stunning of poultry

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Low Atmospheric Pressure System for stunning chickens

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Lumpy skin art. 31

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Meat Inspection

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Monitoring procedures at slaughter

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Multifactorial Approach for Pig welfare assessment

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Oyster mortality

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Perches for poultry

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Porcine epidemic diarrhoea (PED)

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Pregnant animals

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Rabies - waiting time after rabies antibody titration test

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Rabies in foxes

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Reduction of antimicrobials

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Review of the zoonosis report 2009

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Revision stunning guidance (M-2017-0187)

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Rift Valley Fever

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Rift Valley Fever - 2013

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SARS-Cov2 monitoring in mink

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Schmallenberg II

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Scrapie Slovenia

Sheep and goat pox, lumpy skin, peste de petit ruminants

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SIGMA Data Collection (M-2018-0011)

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Small scale dairy farms

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Stunning of Lambs

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Stunning of rabbits

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Treatments of casings

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Tuberculosis testing

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Update AHAW Guidance documents

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Urgent advice on Lumpy Skin Disease

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Vector-borne diseases

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Waterbath Stunning

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Welfare at slaughter and killing (M-2018-0182)

Welfare FarmToFork

Welfare FarmToFork - Protection of ducks, geese and quail

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Welfare FarmToFork - Protection of pigs

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Welfare FarmToFork - Transport of caged species

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Welfare FarmToFork - Transport of Free Moving Species

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Welfare FarmToFork - Welfare of Broilers

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Welfare FarmToFork - Welfare of calves

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Welfare FarmToFork - Welfare of Dairy cows

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Welfare FarmToFork - Welfare of Laying Hens

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Welfare of calves and beef cattle

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Welfare of Cats and dogs

Welfare of rabbits on-farm (M-2018-0124)

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Welfare of sheep

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