Zdravje in zaščita živali
Svet za zdravje in zaščito živali (AHAW) zagotavlja znanstvene nasvete o vseh vidikih bolezni živali in njihove zaščite. Njegovo delo se nanaša predvsem na živali za proizvodnjo živil, vključno z ribami.
Člani sveta za zdravje in zaščito živali so znanstveniki iz vse Evrope s strokovnim znanjem na področju:
- ocenjevanja tveganja, izdelave kvantitativnih ocen tveganja, modeliranja;
- mikrobiologije in patologije (uporablja se za nalezljive bolezni živali za proizvodnjo živil, vključno z vodnimi živalmi);
- epidemiologije;
- dobrobiti živali;
- živinoreje (reja, namestitev in upravljanje, prevoz živali ter omamljanje in usmrtitev živali).
Plenary meetings
What are EFSA's networks?
EFSA’s networks consist of nationally appointed EU Member State organisations with expertise in the fields covered by the network. Representatives of the Commission and of other organisations (including those from outside the EU) with specific expertise may also be invited to participate in the work of EFSA Networks.
Networks are chaired by EFSA and supported by relevant EFSA units. Their aim is to facilitate scientific cooperation in the field of EFSA’s mission by:
- coordinating activities,
- exchanging information,
- developing and implementing joint projects,
- and exchanging expertise and best practices.
- Decision concerning the establishment and operation of European Networks of scientific organisations operating in the fields within the Authority’s mission(35.46 KB)
Network on Veterinary Entomology
The Network on Veterinary Entomology (NVE) aims to strengthen collaboration and exchange of information among involved stakeholders to support the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases (VBDs) in the Member States (MS) of the EU and in neighbouring countries. Given that VBDs require a one-health approach in their prevention and control, the network will work closely together with the Operational Contact Points (OCPs), nominated by the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC), representing the entomologists working in the human public health sector. Together they will constitute the One-Health VectorNet Entomological Network (OHVEN).
- Terms of Reference last updated: 2 April 2024
- List Members last updated: 25 Oktober 2024
Risk assessment in animal health and welfare
EFSA networks with Member States to build a mutual understanding of risk assessment principles in the area of animal health and welfare, to promote harmonisation of animal health and welfare risk assessment practices and methodologies and to reduce the duplication of activities by identifying and sharing current and upcoming priorities.
- Terms of reference last updated: 26 Julij 2023
- List of members last updated: 30 Avgust 2024