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Nutrición, Nuevos Alimentos y Alérgenos Alimentarios

La Comisión Técnica de Nutrición, Nuevos Alimentos y Alérgenos Alimentarios (NDA) se encarga de los asuntos relacionados con la nutrición humana, los nuevos alimentos, las fuentes de nutrientes, los alimentos para grupos especiales como los preparados para lactantes, las declaraciones de propiedades saludables de los productos alimenticios, los valores nutricionales de referencia y las alergias alimentarias.

Los miembros de la Comisión Técnica NDA son científicos procedentes de toda Europa con experiencia en:

  • nutrición
  • epidemiología nutricional
  • medicina humana
  • nutrición infantil
  • pediatría
  • evaluación de la exposición alimentaria
  • alergias e intolerancias alimentarias
  • toxicología
  • tecnología de los alimentos
    • microbiología
    • bioquímica

Tras la renovación de las comisiones técnicas científicas que tuvo lugar en 2018, la Comisión Técnica NDA asumió la responsabilidad de evaluar las fuentes de nutrientes añadidas a los alimentos.

Panel Members

Miembros de la Comisión Técnica de Nutrición, Nuevos Alimentos y Alérgenos Alimentarios, 2018-2024

Composición del panel y declaraciones de intereses.


Novel Foods

The role of the NF Network is to provide a platform for the scientific cooperation between risk assessors of the EU Member States and EFSA in collaboration with the European Commission (EC), and to enhance risk assessment practices in the areas of novel foods including traditional foods from third countries in the framework of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283.

Specifically, the NF Network aims to:

  • Facilitate exchange of information, discussion and consultation, and enhance collaboration in the area of novel foods;
  • Harmonise methodology for searching for information and commenting on notifications for traditional foods from third countries, and harmonise the approach to streamline submission of duly reasoned safety objections for notifications of traditional foods from third countries;
  • Avoid duplication of work

Working groups

Claims 2018-2024

Novel Foods 2018-2024

Protein hydrolysate-based formula

Substances other than vitamin and minerals

Traditional Foods from Third Countries

Closed working groups

Ad hoc Working Group on Foods for Special Medical Purposes

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Alpha-lipoic acid 2020-2021

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Claims 2015-2018

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Claims: bone, dental, connective tissue

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Claims: botanical

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Claims: cardio, antioxidants

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Claims: gut/immune

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Claims: mental, nervous system

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Claims: weight, satiety, physical performance

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Copper Uncertainty Factor

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Dietary Folate Equivalent

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Dietary Reference Values for minerals 2018-2021 (DRV MIN)

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Dietary reference values for vitamins 2015-2018

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Dietetic products 2012-2015

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Food Allergy

Food allergy 2015-2018

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Infant Nutrition 2018-2021

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Novel Foods 2015-2018

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Population Reference Intakes

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Sugars 2017-2021

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Upper intake levels for nutrients

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Upper Levels