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Contaminanten in de voedselketen

Het panel voor contaminanten in de voedselketen (CONTAM) brengt wetenschappelijk advies uit over contaminanten in de voedselketen en ongewenste stoffen zoals natuurlijke toxische stoffen, mycotoxinen en residuen van niet-toegelaten stoffen.

De leden van het CONTAM-panel zijn wetenschappers uit heel Europa die deskundig zijn op het gebied van:

  • Chemie - organische, anorganische, analytische chemie, verwerking van levensmiddelen en diervoeders op het gebied van chemische contaminanten
  • Blootstellingsbeoordeling - er is deskundigheid vereist, vooral met betrekking tot de beoordeling van blootstelling aan chemische contaminanten via de voeding, met inbegrip van kennis over voedselconsumptieonderzoeken
  • geneeskundige en diergeneeskundige toxicologie (bij risicobeoordeling van chemische stoffen) - absorptie, distributie, metabolisme, excretie (ADME) van stoffen (toxicokinetiek en toxicodynamiek), subchronische en chronische toxiciteit (onderzoeken bij herhaalde toediening), genotoxiciteit en mutageniteit, ontwikkelings- en voortplantingstoxiciteit, carcinogeniteit, allergeniteit en immunotoxiciteit.
  • Toxicologische tests met proefdieren – interpretatie van toxische effecten van chemische contaminanten bij landbouwhuisdieren en gezelschapsdieren
  • Epidemiologie – biomarkers van de effecten en blootstelling en interpretatie van menselijke gegevens)
  • Statistiek – beoordeling van dosis-responseffecten, bv. benchmark-dosismodellering en analyse van complexe (epidemiologische) gegevensverzamelingen
  • Diervoeding – blootstellingsbeoordeling met betrekking tot dieren.


Leden CONTAM-panel, 2018-2024

Samenstelling van het panel en belangenverklaringen.

Working groups

Arsenic in food

BFRs in food


Dioxins update

Genotoxicity of beauvericin


Perchlorate in food

SWG on feed detoxification

Closed working groups

3-MCPD update

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Acrylamide genotoxicity

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Acrylamide in Food

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Aflatoxins in food

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Ambrosia in Feed

Aspergillus toxins

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Brominated Flame Retardants

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Chlorate in Food

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Chlorinated Paraffins in food and feed

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Chromium and nickel

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Dioxins in food and feed

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Dioxins in food for children

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Ergot Alkaloids in feed

Erucic acid in food and feed

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Fumonisins in feed

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Furan in food

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Fusarium toxins

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Glycoalkaloids in food and feed

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Gossypol in whole cotton seed

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Grayanotoxins in certain honey

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Health-based guidance value (HBGV) for mycotoxins

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HMF in honey bees

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Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in apricot kernels

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Masked mycotoxins in food and feed

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Maximum level of aflatoxins in peanuts

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Maximum levels (MLs) of deoxynivalenol in certain cereal products

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MCPD and glycidyl esters

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Meat inspection - contaminants

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Mercury in food

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Mineral hydrocarbons in food

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Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons (MOH) in food

Mycotoxins in feed

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Nickel in feed

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Nickel in food

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Nitrites and nitrates in feed

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Nitrofurans and their metabolites in food

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Nitrosamines in food

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Non-allowed pharmacologically active substances in food and feed and their reference points for action (2015-2018)

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Ochratoxin A (OTA) in feed

Ochratoxin A in food

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Opium alkaloids

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Perchlorate in food (2014)

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Perchlorate in food correcting opinion

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PFAS in food

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Phorbol esters in Jatropha kernel meal

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Plastic microparticles and nanoparticles

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Polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) in feed and food

Previous cargoes

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Previous cargoes - re-evaluation

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Previous cargoes 2016

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Quinolizidine alkaloids in food and feed

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Reference Points for Action

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Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in milk and other products of animal origin

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TTX in bivalve molluscs and marine gastropods

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WG on scallops

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Zearalenone in feed

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