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Pesticides and the environment: taking stock, looking ahead

Environmental risk assessment (ERA) was embedded in EU pesticide legislation 25 years ago. More than 150 pesticide specialists from around the world gathered in Parma to discuss the scientific developments triggered by the introduction of Council Directive 91/414/EEC in 1991 and to debate the way forward for ERA of pesticides in the coming years.

The conference, “Environmental risk assessment of pesticides: 25 years of scientific advancements”, organised by EFSA, examined a range of issues in a programme that stretched over one and a half days.

Delegates discussed the progress made in the regulation of pesticides in the EU, advances in guidance and assessment methodologies, as well as new challenges and emerging trends. The final session included a lively roundtable discussion on the value of landscape-based risk mapping in ERA.

Jose Tarazona, Head of EFSA’s Pesticides Unit, closed the meeting by congratulating delegates for the high quality of the discussions and said: “We started with the challenges and achievements of the past and have now shared thoughts and ideas that can hopefully inspire our work over the next 25 years.”


List of participants

Abstracts and Biographies


EU regulatory framework of pesticides: from Directive 91/414/EEC to Regulation (EC) No 1007/2009

Peer review of active substances in the EU

Regulatory environmental risk assessment of pesticides: past, present and future

ERA: current assessment and methodologies – an industry view

Pesticide ERA: environment unprotected?

Member State experience with assessment methodologies: aquatic compartment

UK experiences of conducting pesticide ERA for the terrestrial compartment

Member State experience with soil exposure methodologies

Harmonising ERA of pesticides: OECD development of test guidelines and methodologies

Opinions of consultants on risk assessment procedures

What can we learn from landscape eco(toxico)logy for regulatory ecological risk assessment?

Historical perspectives on landscape-based pesticide assessments in the US over the last 25 years

Landscape-scale simulation for terrestrial population modelling and ERA

Towards a landscape-scale risk assessment: development of a coherent and flexible framework for the integration of aquatic exposure and effect modelling

Landscape and climate parameters for the mapping of pesticide ERA

Coupling science and regulatory needs: towards the integration of ecological and landscape diversity in prospective ERA


Antignati and Coretti

Azimonti et al

Balmer et al

Bejgarn et al

Benfenati et al

Bianchi et al

Brock et al

Buerge and Poiger

Capri and Calliera

Duquesne et al

Ferrari et al

Ferrari et al 2

Focks et al

Grasso et al

Matezki and Wogram

Northern Zone Ecotox Expert Group

Panizzi et al

Petschick et al

Preuss at al

Prosperini et al

Sacchettini and Calliera

Simon-Delso et al

Szentes et al