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Public event: EFSA findings on the animal welfare for transported animals

26 September 2022, 09:30 – 13:00 (CET)


On 26 September 2022, EFSA organised a fully remote public event to present the outcome of its recent work in the context of the Farm to Fork mandates on animal welfare.

The event was attended by almost 300 participants out of more than 600 registrants from private sector, universities and public research institutes, national authorities, EU institutions, NGOs and international organisations from all across Europe and beyond.

The event was structured in two parts.

In the first part, the European Commission introduced the EU’s work on the Farm to Fork strategy and explained that the EFSA’s scientific opinions will serve as the scientific basis for the revision of animal welfare legislation scheduled for the second half of 2023.   

Afterwards, EFSA’s panel experts presented the main findings of the recently published EFSA’s scientific opinion on the welfare of pigs on farm, and of EFSA’s five scientific opinions on the welfare of animals during transport.

The second part offered a one-hour Q&A session through which participants had the opportunity to ask questions for clarifications. The event closed with an overview on EFSA’s ongoing mandates on animal welfare.
