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Scientific advice on the Testbiotech's requests for internal review of Commission Implementing Decisions (EU) No 2019/2083 and 2019/2084 on soybean MON 89788 and soybean A2704‐12 (applications EFSA‐GMO‐RX‐011 and EFSA‐GMO‐RX‐009)

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Following a request of the European Commission, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) reviewed the scientific arguments raised by the non‐governmental organisation Testbiotech against the Commission Implementing Decisions (EU) 2019/2083 and 2019/2084 renewing the authorisation for the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of, or produced from genetically modified (GM) soybean MON 89788 (application EFSA‐GMO‐RX‐011) and soybean A2704‐12 (application EFSA‐GMO‐RX‐009). Testbiotech claims that EFSA should have requested from the applicants new field trials reflecting the different management practices and meteorological and agronomic conditions under which soybean A2704‐12 and soybean MON 89788 are expected to be grown, as well as new feeding studies with whole feed and food from these GM soybeans. EFSA analysed each of the scientific arguments put forward in the technical background of Testbiotech's complaint on soybean MON 89788 and soybean A2704‐12 and concludes that none reveals new information that would invalidate the previous risk assessment conclusions and risk management recommendations made by the EFSA scientific Panel on Genetically Modified organisms (GMO Panel). Therefore, EFSA considers that the previous GMO Panel risk assessment conclusions and risk management recommendations on soybean MON 89788 and soybean A2704‐12 remain valid and applicable.