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1st meeting of the EFSA Stakeholder Bureau

The first meeting of EFSA’s Stakeholder Bureau was an opportunity to agree on several operational issues such as:

  • the framework for interaction between EFSA and the Bureau;
  • the follow-up on recommendations arising from the meeting of the Stakeholder Forum;
  • reporting on the implementation of activities under the Stakeholder Engagement Approach;
  • reporting to EFSA’s Management Board.

As well as practical matters, there was a good discussion on how the Bureau can act as an advocate for science and for EFSA, and how to ensure a balanced representation of interests on the Bureau.

There was also an exchange of views on setting up a discussion group for the framing of questions, where stakeholders would have an opportunity to provide input on EFSA’s self-mandates and guidance documents from an early stage of the process. 

The Bureau will meet again in six months’ time.


The Stakeholder Bureau is one of two permanent mechanisms under EFSA’s Stakeholder Engagement Approach. It is made up of seven members representing different stakeholder categories.

The task of the Bureau is to advise EFSA on stakeholder engagement and dialogue on societal concerns regarding health, the environment, food production and other issues in the Authority’s remit. It will also help to shape the agenda of the Stakeholder Forum.


See also