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This is a closed consultation; no comments can be submitted. Please refer to https://connect.efsa.europa.eu/RM/s/consultations for the list of public consultations

Consultation on a Draft Guidance Document of the GMO Panel for renewal of authorisations of existing GM products lawfully placed on the EU market

EFSA would like to receive input and comments from potential applicants, national authorities and other regulatory bodies, key stakeholders and all interested parties on this draft guidance document. In line with its strategy in relation to the risk assessment of GMOs and initiatives to build closer collaboration with the Member States, EFSA would particularly encourage Member States to contribute. The aim of the Guidance Document is to assist applicants in the preparation and presentation of applications for renewal of authorisation of existing products according to Articles 11 and 23 of Regulation (EC) 1829/2003 on genetically modified food and feed. It is applicable for authorisation-holders who have products referred to as existing products, notified according to Articles 8 and 20, which have been published in the community register established according to Article 28 in the same regulation. An application for renewal of authorisation for an existing product can only be submitted for the 26 products listed in the Community Register of existing products.

The commenting period ends at 16:00 CET on 4 December 2006. Comments will be taken into account during the final adoption of this document by EFSA’s GMO Panel expected to take place in December.