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Stakeholder workshop on nanoscience and nanotechnology

EFSA held a one-and-a-half-day workshop on the implementation of its guidance on the risk assessment of applications of nanosciences and nanotechnologies in the food and feed chain.

The workshop was an opportunity for stakeholders, EFSA and its experts to have an open discussion and share their experiences on implementing the EFSA guidance, focusing on human and animal health.

The workshop was attended by 60 participants, who discussed the challenges they have faced implementing the guidance and shared examples of good practice.

Stakeholders made suggestions on some sections of the guidance, which were noted for consideration by EFSA’s Working Group on Nanotechnologies.

A number of stakeholders gave presentations, and participants had the opportunity to share views and ask questions on the specific sections of the guidance.

Stakeholders who are preparing to submit dossiers to EFSA gained a better understanding of the support available from EFSA’s Application Desk.
