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EFSA brings together Europe’s best available risk assessment A specialised field of applied science that involves reviewing scientific data and studies in order to evaluate risks associated with certain hazards. It involves four steps: hazard identification, hazard characterisation, exposure assessment and risk characterisation experts in the areas of food and feed safety, animal health and welfare, plant health and the environment. They act in an independent capacity to provide the European Union and Member States with scientific advice of the highest standards.

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Scientific Committee and panels

Our Scientific Committee and panels consist of a wide range of highly qualified, independent scientific experts who provide scientific assessments and develop related assessment methodologies. Their areas of expertise cover biological hazards, contaminants in the food chain, food additives and flavourings, food contact materials, and many more. Membership of these bodies is renewed every five years, with the next renewal taking place in July 2024.

How are experts selected?

A call for applications is launched one year before the renewal. After a thorough selection process, the EFSA Management Board nominates the experts from a shortlist submitted by the Executive Director. The latest call, for the 2024 renewal, closed in April 2023.

Watch our short, animated video to learn about EFSA’s Scientific Committee and panels and how members are selected.

Working Groups

EFSA may establish Working Groups whenever it deems necessary to fulfil its mandate and enhance its multidisciplinary expertise.

Working Groups are composed of experienced, independent experts tasked to gather scientific evidence on certain topics, draft scientific opinions and conduct preparatory work. Some Working Groups also draft guidance documents, develop methods or provide social science advice.

Find out in this short video how EFSA establishes Working Groups, bringing together expertise from different disciplines to deliver timely and trusted scientific advice.