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Conference on Xylella fastidiosa: 29-30 October 2019

Second European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa

Logos of the organisers of the conference on Xylella Fastidiosa (2019)

Around 350 plant health specialists from around the world gathered in Corsica for two days of intensive discussions on how science can help find solutions to Xylella fastidiosa, the plant pest that is causing environmental and economic damage across Europe. Hundreds of people followed proceedings via a special live web streaming of the event.

The latest findings from European research projects dealing with X. fastidiosa were presented, in particular the results of the Horizon 2020 POnTE project. The conference was also an opportunity for participants to catch up on the latest advances and achievements of other national and transnational research activities that are ongoing worldwide and to discuss ways of strengthening coordination and synergies.

The programme included presentations and discussions on the latest data and insights on X. fastidiosa, its host plants and vectors and control options. Presentations plus edited video highlights from the conference can be found below.

The conference was organised jointly by EFSA; the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA); the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES); the Office de l’Environnement de la Corse (OEC) through its department the Conservatoire Botanique National de Corse; the EU-funded projects POnTE, XF-ACTORS, CURE-XF and EuroXanth; and the Euphresco network for phytosanitary research coordination and funding.

Video highlights


Documents and Presentations



Experts in pest risk assessment, plant pathology, epidemiology, and ecology.