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ONE Conference 2022

"One health" conference 2022 - banner

Open minds, open data and open collaboration – these were the key themes of the ONE conference, a four-day event organised by EFSA from 21 to 24 June 2022 in cooperation with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the European Environment Agency (EEA), the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC).

The conference, which took place in Brussels and saw the attendance in person and online of over 2 800 participants, concluded with the topline message that we know where we want to go and why – sustainability for food, health and the environment, and that now is the time for action on the path to take and the speed by which to travel. Policymakers, scientists and society, together.

Among the outcomes of the event, the conference:

  • Examined food and feed safety from a broader perspective of sustainability.
  • Explored possible developments in risk assessment science.
  • Reflected on future strategic goals and directions for regulatory science.
  • Contributed to new policy targets such as the EU Green Deal.

The outcomes and recommendations from the ONE Conference 2022 were published in the international peer-reviewed journal Trends in Food Science & Technology as a conference report article and in the EFSA Journal as an editorial.

Opening ceremony & opening session

Day 1, 21 June 2022


Opening ceremony & opening session

Bernhard Url (EFSA), Stella Kyriakides (European Commission), Barbara Gallani (EFSA), Rose O' Donovan (AGRA FACTS), Edward Bray (EFSA), Yann Devos (EFSA), Cinzia Percivaldi (EFSA), Tobin Robinson (EFSA)

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Video (YouTube)

One Society

Day 2, 22 June 2022


Advancing engagement in an evolving food safety ecosystem: opportunities and challenges

Nikolaus Kriz (EFSA), Max Gramberger (Prospex bv), Katharina Faradsch (Prospex bv), Max Blanck (EFSA), Chaima Elyahmadi (EFSA), Cinzia Percivaldi (EFSA)

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Putting science into context: the future of social science in risk analysis

Domagoj  Vrbos (EFSA), Ragnar Lofstedt (King's College London), Annibale Ferrini (European Parliament), Giorgia Zamariola (EFSA), Anthony Smith (EFSA)

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Day 3, 23 June 2022


Making a difference: bridging EU research and policy

Mike Catchpole (ECDC), Mike Catchpole (ECDC), Stephan Bronzwaer (EFSA), Clémence Foltz (EFSA), Konstantinos Paraskevopoulos (EFSA)

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Turning open science into practice: causality as a showcase

Jean-François Dechamp (European Commission), Anthony Smith (EFSA), Federica Barrucci (EFSA), Claudia Maria Cascio (EFSA), Gorgias Garofalakis (EFSA), Laura Martino (EFSA)

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Poster abstracts (ZIP) | E-posters (images, Bynder) | Videos (YouTube)

One Planet

Day 2, 22 June 2022


Safeguarding our future: creating a framework for sustainability assessments

Anne-Katrin Bock (JRC), Tobin Robinson (EFSA), Yann Devos (EFSA), Angelo Maggiore (EFSA), Dario Piselli (EEA), Konstantinos Paraskevopoulos (EFSA)

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Environmental risk assessment of pesticides: transitioning to a systems-based approach

Vanessa Mazerolles (ANSES), Silvia Pieper (Umweltbundesamt, UBA), Frédéric Simon (Euractiv), Domenica Auteri (EFSA), Lorenzo Benini (EEA), Yann Devos (EFSA), Agnès Rortais (EFSA)

Presentation PDF | Details PDF

Day 3, 23 June 2022


Protecting plants in the era of global change

Claude Bragard (UCL), Ana Cristina Cardoso (JRC), Claire Doole (Claire Doole Communications), Alice Delbianco (EFSA), Ciro Gardi (EFSA), Patricia Nascimento (EFSA), Maria Chiara Rosace (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart), Evgenia Sarakatsani (EFSA)

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Advancing animal welfare to meet sustainability targets

Mette S. Herskin (Aarhus University), Nikolaus Kriz (EFSA), Sean Ashe (EFSA), Mariana Geffroy (EFSA), Eliana Lima (EFSA), Yves Van der Stede (EFSA)

Presentation PDF | Details PDF


Poster abstracts (ZIP) | E-posters (images, Bynder) | Videos (YouTube)

One Life

Day 2, 22 June 2022


Human nutrition on a finite planet: securing sustainable and healthy diets for all

Sandra Caldeira (European Commission), Jan Wollgast (JRC), Silvia Valtueña Martinez (EFSA), Eugen H. Christoph (EFSA), Ionut Craciun (EFSA), Andrea Germini (EFSA), Silvia Valtueña Martinez (EFSA)

Presentation PDF | Details PDF


Innovation in food and feed: keeping safety assessments fit for purpose

Helle Katrine Knutsen (NIPH/FHI), Katrina Sichel (Wit and Word Communications SRL), Michele Ardizzone (EFSA), Antonio Fernandez Dumont (EFSA), Winy Messens (EFSA), Reinhilde Schoonjans (EFSA)

Presentation PDF | Details PDF

Day 3, 23 June 2022


Infectious diseases, from emergence to pandemics: improving understanding and getting prepared

Carlos Goncalo Das Neves (NVI), Bernard Bottex (EFSA), Alessandro Broglia (EFSA), Jose Cortinas Abrahantes (EFSA), Ermolaos Ververis (EFSA)

Presentation PDF | Details PDF

Tackling antimicrobial resistance in food producing environments

Dominique Monnet (ECDC), Barbara Freischem (EMA), Caroline Whalley (EEA), Lieve Herman (ILVO), Beatriz Guerra Roman (EFSA), Matteo Lorenzo Innocenti (EFSA), Zoltan Kunsagi (EMA), Renata Leuschner (EFSA), John Threlfall (Retired)

Presentation PDF | Details PDF


Poster abstracts (ZIP) | E-posters (images, Bynder) | Videos (YouTube)

Many Ways

Day 2, 22 June 2022


Augmenting human minds: artificial intelligence and big data in risk assessment

Ilaria Del Seppia (EMA), Guy Van Den Eede (European Commission), Jennifer Baker (Freelance), Fulvio Barizzone (EFSA), Angelo Cafaro (EFSA), Giulio Di Piazza (EFSA), Alejandro Platt Orzáez (EMA)

Presentation PDF | Details PDF


Combined exposure to multiple chemicals: assessing risks across regulatory silos

Susanne Hougaard Bennekou (DTU), Dick Sijm, (BuRO of NVWA), Bruno Dujardin (EFSA), Luisa Ramos Bordajani (EFSA), Jacob Van Klaveren (RIVM)

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Day 3, 23 June 2022


New approach methodologies: moving beyond animal testing

Maurice Whelan (JRC), Edoardo Carnesecchi (EFSA), George Kass (EFSA), Anna Lanzoni (EFSA), Annamaria Rossi (EFSA)

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Endocrine disruptors: exploring present challenges and future developments (in memory of Alfonso Lostia)

Manuela Tiramani (EFSA), Martin Wilks (University of Basel), Sharon Munn (European Commission), Andreas Kortenkamp (Brunel University London), Maria Arena (EFSA), Aude Kienzler (EFSA), Francesca Pellizzato (ECHA), Andrea Terron (EFSA)

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Microbiomes, chemicals and health: unravelling an intricate triad

Yolanda Sanz (IATA-CSIC), Daphne Miller (University of California San Francisco), Catherine Bessy (FAO), Javier Moreno (CSIC), Caroline Merten (EFSA), Elisa Pettenati (EFSA)

Presentation PDF | Details PDF


Poster abstracts (ZIP) | E-posters (images, Bynder) | Videos (YouTube)

Closing session

Day 4, 24 June 2022


Closing session

Bernhard Url (EFSA), Pamela Byrne (FSAI), Lee Ann Jackson (OECD), Rose O' Donovan (AGRA FACTS), Yann Devos (EFSA), Clémence Foltz (EFSA), Cinzia Percivaldi (EFSA), Tobin Robinson (EFSA)

Presentation PDF | Details PDF

Video (YouTube)