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Kompetentās organizācijas dalībvalstīs

Tīklā, kas apvieno dalībvalstu organizācijas, kuras darbojas ar EFSA misiju saistītās jomās, pašlaik ietilpst vairāk nekā 300 universitātes, institūti, valsts, publiskās un citas zinātniskās iestādes.

EFSA veicina šo organizāciju savstarpējo sadarbību, koordinējot kopīgus pasākumus, informācijas apmaiņu un kopīgu zinātnisko projektu izstrādi un īstenošanu. Šāda tīkla izveide veicina zināšanu un paraugprakses apmaiņu attiecīgajās zinātnes jomās.

Dalībvalstu kompetentās organizācijas veic dažādus uzdevumus, lai atvieglotu EFSA darbu: cita starpā tās veic sagatavošanas darbu, kas nepieciešams, lai sniegtu zinātniskus atzinumus, nodrošina zinātnisko un tehnisko atbalstu, vāc datus un apzina potenciālos riskus. Dažus no šiem uzdevumiem ir iespējams atbalstīt finansiāli, piešķirot dotācijas.

Dotācijas var saņemt tikai tās organizācijas, kas ir iekļautas kompetento organizāciju sarakstā (pazīstams arī kā 36. pantā minētais saraksts). Dalībvalstu izraudzīto kompetento organizāciju saraksta izveide ir paredzēta EFSA dibināšanas regulas 36. pantā.

2019. gadā kompetento organizāciju saraksts tika atjaunināts, šim nolūkam izmantojot jaunu procedūru un jaunu instrumentu.

Saraksts tiek pastāvīgi atjaunināts. Sarakstā iekļaujamās organizācijas var izraudzīties ES dalībvalstis, Islande un Norvēģija.

Turpmāk atradīsiet atbildes uz dažiem visbiežāk uzdotajiem jautājumiem. Lai iegūtu plašāku informāciju, lūdzu, sazinieties ar EFSA nacionālo kontaktpunktu vai ar EFSA (cooperation.article36 [at] (cooperation[dot]article36[at]efsa[dot]europa[dot]eu)).

Frequently Asked Questions

The term originated in Article 36 of EFSA’s founding regulation (Regulation 178/2002), which is why these organisations are also known as “Article 36 organisations”.

Organisations may be considered as competent organisations if they:

  • are active in fields within EFSA’s mission;
  • fulfil a set of eligibility criteria, ensuring for example independence and scientific expertise; and
  • are designated by a Member State for inclusion in the List of Competent Organisations.

Organisations which fulfil the eligibility criteria set out in the Implementing Rules (Regulation 2230/2004) can be designated by Member States for inclusion on the list. National EFSA Focal Points support their country organisations in the process of designation. EFSA’s Management Board regularly updates the List of Competent Organisations based on this input from Member States.

The List of Competent Organisations is updated continuously by EFSA’s Management Board. The aim is to keep the list up to date and useful for networking, by including new organisations designated by Member States and removing organisations which have been withdrawn.

The national EFSA Focal Points support and facilitate the maintenance of the list at national level.

Focal Points are tasked to facilitate and support management of the List of Competent Organisations at national level.

Specifically, EFSA national Focal Points liaise with the organisations and other players in their country to:

  • maintain active contacts with the network of competent organisations;
  • collect information about an organisation, to enable the compliance check at national level;
  • facilitate the compliance check at national level;
  • support the designation procedure at national level;
  • contact EFSA to oversee the process of updating the List of Competent Organisations for their country.

The inclusion of new organisations on the list is authorised by EFSA’s Management Board, which meets regularly four times a year. New designations or substantial changes to organisations need to be sent to EFSA by the country’s permanent representation/mission to the EU in Brussels at least one month before the Management Board meeting.

Organisations can update their contact details directly online.

An organisation interested in joining the list should contact its national Focal Point, which will explain the procedure.

Contact details of the Focal Points are available on the EFSA website here.

If there are any changes to organisations on the list, the respective Focal Point should be informed immediately. The Focal Point will check the type of changes and support initiation of the relevant procedures accordingly.