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Risk Assessment Research Assembly (RARA)

EFSA organised the first Risk Assessment Research Assembly (RARA), with a view to stimulating new partnerships in food safety research to safeguard public health, and highlighting the importance of public funding.

Bringing together EU and national research funders, policy/decision makers and leading food safety researchers, RARA served as a platform to:

  • exchange research ideas, which may form part of future calls, and
  • identify partners and possible ways of funding.


The first RARA attracted 200 scientists, risk assessors and policy makers from 40 countries. To learn more about the event, you can check out the event report, the programme and a leaflet highlighting the key outcomes.

Note: If you wish to print the leaflet, make sure to select the setting ’flip on short edge’.

Event documents

RARA was organised as a dynamic and interactive event. Participants’ input and contributions have been captured in the following documents.