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Webinar on Metapath: How to complete MSS composers for pesticides metabolism studies – plants (primary and rotational crops) and livestock

Agenda here

First session | 29 March 2021, 9:30-12:30/14:00-17:00 (Italian time)

Second session | 31 March 2021, 9.30-12:00 (Italian time)


This webinar, hosted by ANSES and EFSA staff, covered the following topics:

  • Completing MSS composers for pesticide plant metabolism studies.
  • Completing MSS composers for pesticides livestock and rotational crop metabolism studies.

The target audience was potential applicants and competent authorities.

The webinar included a theoretical part and a live session to explain how to complete MSS composers for pesticide plant, rotational crops and livestock metabolism studies. Q&A sessions were also held to answer attendees’ questions.

Presentation and recording

Play recording:

First session: How to complete MSS composers for pesticides plant metabolism studies

Second session: How to complete MSS composers for pesticides livestock and rotational crop metabolism studies 


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