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Webinar on protein safety assessment in GMOs


EFSA’s Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO Panel) currently assesses the safety (toxicity and allergenicity) of newly expressed proteins following specific requirements set more than ten years ago, which were formulated mainly for the assessment of few newly expressed proteins in a given GMO. Today, one decade later, this protein safety assessment is becoming increasingly challenging because of the simultaneous presence of a high number of new proteins that, in some cases, may be difficult to characterise and test (e.g., membrane-bound proteins or transcription factors). Experiences gained and new developments made in protein safety assessment methodologies call for the need to improve current practices and provide alternative methods for complex products, offering the highest level of protection possible for consumers and the environment, as defined by the EU regulatory framework on GM food and feed.

To move forward in the field of protein safety and, in particular, to ‘future-proof’ the safety assessment of complex products, the GMO Panel has identified the need to publish a scientific opinion reflecting on current practices, challenges and future opportunities regarding protein safety in GMOs.

Objectives of the meeting

The webinar primarily aimed to provide clarity on EFSA’s self-task mandate to develop a scientific opinion on protein safety assessment, which will be issued by the GMO Panel at the beginning of 2025. An open survey was introduced, which has been launched to collect stakeholder input on the topic, to be used for the development of the scientific opinion. The survey will remain open until 18 February 2024 to allow as many responses as possible from stakeholders. The survey is available here.

Webinar recording


Do not hesitate to contact the organising committee at events [at] (events[at]efsa[dot]europa[dot]eu) for more information.