What is the reality of being a female scientist? How far have we come in ensuring women’s voices are the norm? Join us as we explore role models, motherhood and barriers still to be overcome!
For the first time, the five EU health and environment agencies – EFSA, ECDC, ECHA, EEA and EMA [1]– supported by the JRC, reviewed how the use of azole substances outside human medicine affects...
Combining disinfection treatments and water replenishment can help maintain the microbiological quality of the water used in processing such products.
Avian influenza viruses pose an increasing threat, with the potential to adapt to humans and trigger future pandemics.
This toolkit has been developed by EFSA to provide further information on EFSA public consultations and ensure that participation and staying informed is easy and clear.
Oceans are changing. Climate change is opening new trade routes. Sea mining and aquaculture could bring vital resources. But what about risks for food? Come explore the ocean deep!
While there continues to be no evidence of human-to-human spread of avian influenza, new outbreaks in wild and domestic birds were reported in Europe and around the world between September and...
We love food at end-of-year festivals. But what’s the meaning behind the traditions? What foods are thought to bring wealth and good luck? Come explore curious and fun culinary traditions with us!
EFSA is launching a public consultation on its draft scientific opinion concerning the public health risks associated with perchlorate in food.
We are publicly consulting on our draft assessment of the potential risks from ingestion of fluoride from drinking water, the diet, fluoridated table salt and (ingested) fluoridated dental care...
The number of reported human cases of listeriosis (2,952) showed a consistent rise over the 2019–2023 period, hitting their highest levels since 2007. This might be linked to Europe's ageing...
Fences can help control the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF) if used correctly alongside other measures.