EFSA@10 Conference proceedings - Challenging boundaries in risk assessment – sharing experiences
Hundreds of the world’s leading food safety experts gathered in Parma on the 7 and 8 November to take part in a high-level scientific conference organised by EFSA to mark its tenth anniversary.
With contributions from 10 EU Member States, 2 non-EU countries and 15 universities in 9 countries, along with the FAO and WHO, the event was a truly international and multidisciplinary one.
Presentations during the conference covered methods of risk assessment, reports on data collected and risk assessments in areas such as plant protection products and their residues; genetically modified organisms; additives and products or substances used in animal feed; biological hazards; contaminants in the food chain; food contact materials, enzymes, flavourings and processing aids; food additives and nutrient sources added to food; and nutrition.
The presentations are listed below:
Introductory plenary session – 7 November
Room 1 | Speaker |
Welcome by EFSA’s Executive Director | Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle, Executive Director, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) |
Opening of the conference – Is food too risky to eat?(448.27 KB) | Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Adviser, European Commission |
Advancing regulatory science, innovation and scientific excellence to support public health(1.53 MB) | Jesse Goodman, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA |
Looking back: 10 years of risk assessment development in EFSA(410.9 KB) | Vittorio Silano, University of Rome II, Italy |
EFSA Science Strategy 2012 – 2016(977.37 KB) | Hubert Deluyker, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) |
Achieving fit-for-purpose risk assessments(2.29 MB) | Steve Hathaway, New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries, NewZealand |
Public health-based risk ranking of (microbial) hazards in the food chain(1.12 MB) | Arie H. Havelaar, RIVM and Utrecht University, The Netherlands |
Integrating new methodologies: Challenges for risk assessment, food policy and communication(521.28 KB) | Thomas Burke, Johns Hopkins University, USA |
New frontiers in dietary exposure assessment(2.04 MB) | Tracy McCrorie, Northern Ireland Centre for Food and Health, University of Ulster, UK |
Parallel Session 1 – Identifying and characterising hazards:new trends – 7 November
Room 1 | Speaker |
1. Microbe: host, food interactions, implications for food safety(2.78 MB) | Colin Hill, University College Cork, Ireland |
2. Chemical hazard in food and feed safety(2.56 MB) | Johanna Fink-Gremmels, Utrecht University, The Netherlands |
3. REACH: how to deal with 30,000 chemicals(686.61 KB) | Pilar Rodríguez Iglesias, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) |
4. Comparative risk assessment strategies for food and feed derived from genetically modified plants and future challenges(660.3 KB) | Harry Kuiper, (retired) formerly RIKILT, Wageningen University & Research Centre, The Netherlands |
5. Transitioning from the current paradigm for chemical risk assessment(766.77 KB) | Alan Boobis, Imperial College London, UK |
6. Micro-RNAs and epigenetics in human pathology: a new paradigm for chemical-induced inherited effects?(1.65 MB) | Timothy Gant, Health Protection Agency (HPA), UK |
Parallel Session 2 – Having an eye for the environment – 7 November
Room 2 | Speaker |
1. Protection goals in environmental risk assessment(1022.81 KB) | Tony Hardy, Chair of the Scientific Committee, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) |
2. Challenges pertaining to the comparative assessment of potential adverse effects of GM plants on non-target organisms(3.42 MB) | Salvatore Arpaia, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Economic Sustainable Development (ENEA), Italy |
3. Environmental risk assessment of plant pests integrating analysis of impacts on biodiversity and on ecosystem services(945.06 KB) | Gianni Gilioli, University of Brescia, Italy |
4. Invasive species risks: can we predict the environmental consequences of biological invasions?(1.91 MB) | Philip Hulme, Lincoln University, New Zealand |
5. What can environmental monitoring tell us about dioxin exposure via different kinds of food?(756.33 KB) | Niklas Johansson, Karolinska Institutet and Swedish EPA, Sweden |
6. Environmental monitoring(1.77 MB) | Peter Pärt, European Environment Agency (EEA) |
Parallel Session 3 – Making sense of dietary exposure – 7 November
Room 3 | Speaker |
1. Dietary exposure assessments at EFSA: bridging past experience and future challenges(1.7 MB) | Mary Gilsenan, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) |
2. Use of short-term dietary data for the estimation of usual intake(1.09 MB) | Victor Kipnis, National Cancer Institute, USA |
3. Total Diet Studies: providing more realistic occurrence levels for calculating exposure(161.08 KB) | Ruth Charrondiere, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) |
4. Probabilistic dietary exposure assessment(877.43 KB) | Andy Hart, The Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera), UK |
5. Mixture identification from co-exposure modelling as a first step towards hazard characterisation(963.81 KB) | Amélie Crépet, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), France |
6. Biomarkers of exposure in food safety risk assessment(316.31 KB) | Rudolf Kaaks, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany |
Parallel Session 4 – Expressing risks – 7 November
Room 4 | Speaker |
1. Trends in chemical risk assessment and integration of new methodologies(1.33 MB) | Josef Schlatter, (retired) formerly Federal Office of Public Health, Switzerland |
2. Framing of risk assessment questions(355.02 KB) | Takis Daskaleros, European Commission |
3. Fit for purpose risk assessment: qualitative vs quantitative approaches(2.05 MB) | Angelika Tritscher, World Health Organization (WHO) |
4. Considering risks and uncertainties related to combined exposures(1.23 MB) | Bette Meek, University of Ottawa, Canada |
5. A consistent and quantitative approach to riskbenefit assessment and risk ranking: the role of burden of disease estimates(6.85 MB) | Alessandro Cassini, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
6. Communicating risk and uncertainty: the role of metaphor and analogy(2.19 MB) | David Spiegelhalter, University of Cambridge, UK |
Parallel Session 5 – Efficacy assessment in food and feed – 7 November
Room 5 | Speaker |
1. Assessment of scientific substantiation of health claims on foods in the EU(117.02 KB) | Albert Flynn, University College Cork, Ireland |
2. Efficacy assessment experiences in the European Medicines Agency(429.75 KB) | Francesco Pignatti, European Medicines Agency (EMA) |
3. Assessment of safety and efficacy for the target species: technological, sensory and nutritional feed additives(1.32 MB) | Jürgen M. Gropp, University of Leipzig, Germany |
4. Assessment of safety and efficacy for the target species: zootechnical feed additives(425.22 KB) | Andrew Chesson, University of Aberdeen, UK |
5. Efficacy requirements for the approval of new pesticides active substances(176.45 KB) | Ingrid den Hoed, Chemicals Regulation Directorate, UK |
6. Criteria for the assessment of biocides in decreasing food-borne pathogens in food of animal origin(1.15 MB) | Birgit Nørrung, University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
Final Plenary Session – 8 November
Room 1 | Speaker |
Feed-back from previous day | Round table by chairs/rapporteurs from parallel sessions |
The identification of future food safety risks(8.08 MB) | Terry Donohoe, Food Standards Agency (FSA), UK |
Research and risk assessment: two sides of the same coin?(5.63 MB) | Henrik Caspar Wegener, Technical University of Denmark |
Closing of conference(489.52 KB) | Tony Hardy, Chair of the Scientific Committee, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Hubert Deluyker, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) |