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Webinar: rapid risk assessment tools for animal disease outbreaks

Rapid risk assessments are needed in the initial stage of a disease outbreak to help risk managers prepare and respond to possible health threats and to reduce the social and economic consequences of the threat.

In this webinar, three rapid risk assessment tools will be presented that can be used at EU and Member State level:

  • The Method for INTegrated risk assessment (MINT-risk), developed by the Central Veterinary Institute (part of Wageningen University, Netherlands), assesses and ranks the risk from vector-borne diseases.
  • The tool developed by the National Veterinary Institute of Sweden focuses on the probability of introduction of pathogens and exposure of livestock to exotic disease.
  • The tool developed by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of the United Kingdom deals with rapid risk assessments for animal health.

The webinar is targeted at scientists, risk assessors and risk managers who deal with animal disease outbreaks. 

During the webinar, participants may submit questions which EFSA will answer via the Q&A box. A recording of the webinar will be made available on the EFSA website after the event.

Note to participants:

For technical reasons, participation is limited to a maximum of 500 participants on a first-come, first-served basis.

Online registration

You can register here


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