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Info Session on Applications – Food additives – The new guidance for food additives submissions

A one-day workshop was held in Brussels on 21st September 2012 between the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), European Commission and stakeholders to present the new Guidance document for submission for food additive evaluations, adopted in June 2012 by the Scientific Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient sources added to Food (ANS). The aim of the workshop was to present to stakeholders the new application workflow, the scope and objective of the guidance document and the technical information therein.

The main objectives of the workshop were:

  • Introduction of the EFSA Application Helpdesk and the workflow for food additive applications;
  • Presentation of the new guidance document for submission for food additive evaluations;
  • Discussion of the latest scientific developments and principles in risk assessment when designing a testing strategy prior to the submission of an application.

The workshop consisted of 10-20 min presentations given by ANS Panel experts, ESFA staff and the European Commission, followed by discussion during which participants were given the chance to share their views and discuss the challenges ahead. The presentations of the workshop can be found below.

