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Webinar on environmental neurotoxicants: advancing the understanding of the impact of chemical exposure on brain health and disease – call for tender OC/EFSA/PREV/2023/01


EFSA launched a call for tender (OC/EFSA/PREV/2023/01) aiming to expand the use of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in the area of neurotoxicity (NT) and developmental neurotoxicity (DNT). The expected outcome of this tender is to ensure preparedness for future risk assessment needs. There are specific objectives for method development (e.g. identification of test system and prioritisation of chemicals), validation, and regulatory acceptance and implementation of the use of NAMs (e.g. transferability and AOP Integrated Approaches for Testing and Assessment (IATA) case studies for risk assessment).

Objectives of the event

The objective of the webinar was to provide an overview of the above-mentioned call for tender.

During the webinar, participants had a chance to ask questions in writing, using the chat function. Questions were collected and anonymised to be answered in writing shortly after the event. The answers are accessible here on Ted eTendering.

The webinar was open to all interested parties. In particular, the event was intended for potential tenderers.

Webinar recording