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40th meeting of the Management Board

The European Food Safety Authority’s Management Board has approved the nomination of 174 independent scientific experts to re-establish the Authority’s Scientific Committee and eight of its Panels for a fresh three-year term.

Webcast and documents

  1. Welcome and opening by the Chair of the EFSA Management Board
  2. Welcome by the Czech Authorities
  3. Adoption of the draft agenda

    Document(32.34 KB)

  4. Adoption of the minutes of the previous MB meeting
  5. ED progress report

    Document(150.26 KB) |  Glossary(23.29 KB) |  Presentation(457.91 KB)

  6. EFSA Preliminary Management Plan 2010 (for discussion and provisional adoption)

    Document(864.34 KB) |  Presentation(319.58 KB)

  7. Preliminary draft budget and establishment plan 2010 (for adoption)

    Document(243.02 KB) |  Presentation(324.37 KB)

  8. Scientific Committee and Scientific Panels:

    Presentation(510.52 KB)

    • Appointment of Members

      Document(346.55 KB)

    • Presentation of results Expert Survey

      Document(326.13 KB)

  9. Staff policy plan 2010-2012

    Document(254.19 KB) |  Presentation(385.07 KB)

  10. Update from the Audit Committee
  11. Transfers in the EFSA budget

    Document(91.11 KB)

  12. Any other business
Audio file
