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Technical hearing on the Genotoxicity assessment of chemical mixtures

Human and ecological risk assessment of combined exposure to multiple chemicals (‘chemical mixtures’) poses a number of challenges to scientists, risk assessors and risk managers, particularly because of the complexity of the problem formulation, the almost infinite number of possible combinations of chemicals and the large amount of data needed to describe the toxicological profiles and exposure patterns of these chemicals in humans and species present in the environment.

At present, information on the genotoxicity of a chemical drives the type of assessment used in human risk assessment.

In this context, EFSA has prepared a draft statement which specifies the particularities of the genotoxicity assessment of chemical mixtures. EFSA has organised this technical hearing to further consult with stakeholders on the draft statement.

Objectives of the meeting
EFSA invites stakeholders for an exchange of views on the draft statement on genotoxicity assessment of chemical mixtures. EFSA is seeking comments and feedback on this draft which will be considered by EFSA’s experts prior to finalisation.

Structure of the meeting
A single plenary session in which stakeholders will have the opportunity to follow presentations, comment on and discuss the draft statement with EFSA scientists.

Who should attend?
The meeting is intended for all stakeholders with expertise and interest in the area of genotoxicity of chemical mixtures. Participation is limited to a maximum of 60 participants, including speakers and other experts already identified by EFSA. A post-registration selection will ensure a sufficient representation of the various fields of expertise, a representation of the different sectors as well as geographical balance.

On-line registrations
The registrations are now closed.

Please note that registration closes on 9 September (midnight) or earlier in case we reach the maximum number of participants.
After closure of registration, potential participants will be informed whether or not they have been selected for participation. In the case of free seats after registration closing, it will be possible to register until 14 September (midnight).

Logistical information
The meeting takes place on 27 September 2018, from 9:00 to 16:00 in Brussels, Belgium. Further details on the venue and logistics will be communicated to selected participants following the closure of registrations. English is the language of the event, no translation will be provided.

There is no participation fee however you are required to cover expenses related to your travel and accommodation.
