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Dietary reference values: vitamin E and cobalamin

EFSA’s nutrition The science of how diet relates to the body's need for sustenance. experts have set dietary reference values (DRVs) for vitamin Dietary substance needed in very small amounts to support normal growth and maintenance of health in humans and animals. Most vitamins are 'essential' as they are not made within the body. E as α-tocopherol and cobalamin (vitamin B12). The work is part of the Authority’s updating of nutrient An element or compound needed for normal growth, development and health maintenance. Essential nutrients cannot be made by the body and must, therefore, be consumed from food. and energy requirements set by the European Commission in 1993.

For vitamin E as α-tocopherol, the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) set adequate intakes (AIs) of 13 mg/day for men and 11 mg/day for women. For infants and children the AIs range from 5-13 mg/day.

For cobalamin, the Panel set AIs of 4 µg/day for adults (18 years and above) and of between 1.5 and 4 µg/day for infants and children.

EFSA’s two Scientific Opinions were both finalised after extensive public consultation. For the NDA Panel’s full findings please follow the links below.