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Dietary reference values: vitamin E and cobalamin

EFSA’s nutrition Vetenskapen om sambandet mellan kosten och kroppens behov av näring. experts have set dietary reference values (DRVs) for vitamin Ett ämne i kosten som behövs i mycket små mängder för en normal tillväxt och bevarad hälsa hos människor och djur. De flesta vitaminer är”essentiella” (livsnödvändiga) eftersom de inte framställs i kroppen. E as α-tocopherol and cobalamin (vitamin B12). The work is part of the Authority’s updating of nutrient and energy requirements set by the European Commission in 1993.

For vitamin E as α-tocopherol, the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) set adequate intakes (AIs) of 13 mg/day for men and 11 mg/day for women. For infants and children the AIs range from 5-13 mg/day.

For cobalamin, the Panel set AIs of 4 µg/day for adults (18 years and above) and of between 1.5 and 4 µg/day for infants and children.

EFSA’s two Scientific Opinions were both finalised after extensive public consultation. For the NDA Panel’s full findings please follow the links below.