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Food enzymes: suitability checklist helps applicants submit correct data

New guidance from EFSA includes a checklist of all the information that must be submitted as part of an application to put a food enzyme A protein which stimulates or hastens a specific reaction in the body; for example, digestive enzymes help to break down food into nutrients on the market in the European Union (EU).

The suitability checklist is designed to be used by applicants to ensure EFSA receives all the necessary administrative and scientific data to carry out its assessment of a food enzyme application. In addition, the document sets out when and how applicants can contact EFSA staff during the evaluation process.

The procedures and timelines for processing these applications under European law are also included in the short guidance.

The suitability checklist is the latest initiative developed by EFSA as part of its ongoing customer-oriented approach to applicants of regulated products. The programme is designed to strengthen the support EFSA provides to applicants and streamline the risk assessment A specialised field of applied science that involves reviewing scientific data and studies in order to evaluate risks associated with certain hazards. It involves four steps: hazard identification, hazard characterisation, exposure assessment and risk characterisation process.