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EFSA’s Climate Suitability Analysis for New and Emerging Plant Pests and Diseases

Keeping plant pests out by profiling geographical areas at risk

When new plant pests like insects, fungi, bacteria and viruses arrive in Europe they threaten our local plants and our biodiversity. Climate suitability analysis is a tool to assess the likelihood of this happening to help decision-makers keep them out. How does it work?

Global Distribution of Pests

We collect data on the global geographical distribution of specific pests and their biology, including the effects of climatic actors such as temperature, humidity and precipitation.

Data Analysis

We analyse the data collected using mathematical models and climate indicators. These help to assess whether there are areas with climates suitable for the development of plant pests.

Risk Assessment

The analysis is used to assess the likelihood of pests establishing and thriving in particular areas, taking into account both climatic suitability and the presence of host plants. The results help to determine where the pest could have an impact and where pest management efforts should be focused.

As part of its work on plant health, EFSA carries out pest categorisation and risk assessment, evaluates climate and habitat suitability, develops surveillance tools, and performs other technical tasks to support the European Commission, the European Parliament, and EU Member States. 

Read more: Plant Health