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50th Management Board meeting: EFSA’s Management Board endorses draft Science Strategy for public consultation – Audio available

Members of the European Food Safety Authority’s Management Board have endorsed EFSA’s draft Science Strategy 2012-2016 for public consultation, discussed proposals for further developing scientific cooperation with EU Member States and adopted amended Rules of Procedure of the Management Board.

Meeting in Parma, the Board discussed EFSA’s draft Science Strategy which lays out the vision of how the Authority will continue to support the European food safety system over the next five years and meet the demands placed upon it. The document explains why EFSA has selected certain strategic priorities and how it plans to make the best possible use of the resources at its disposal.

The main objectives of the Science Strategy, which will shortly be launched for public consultation later in October, are:

  • to further develop EFSA’s scientific excellence, and other core values, such as independence, openness, transparency and responsiveness;
  • to optimise the use of European risk assessment capacity across the EU;
  • to develop and harmonise risk assessment methodologies and approaches to assess risks associated with the food chain;
  • to strengthen the scientific basis for risk assessment and risk monitoring.

The Strategy document has been guided by EFSA’s corporate Strategic Plan for 2009-2013, and has been through a process of consultation with staff and stakeholders, partner European institutions, national authorities and EFSA’s Scientific Committee and Advisory Forum.

Members of the Board also considered a Discussion paper on Cooperation with Member States which included action points arising from a meeting the Board held with EFSA’s Advisory Forum in March 2011 to discuss how to further enhance cooperation with Member States in the areas of risk assessment and risk communications.

As part of EFSA’s ongoing efforts to reinforce and consolidate its policy on independence, Board members adopted a revision of the Management Board Rules of Procedure which stipulates that the Board should screen the updated Declarations of Interests of all its members based on an assessment provided by EFSA’s Executive Director.

The Board also extended the current mandate of EFSA’s Stakeholder Consultative Platform from 31st December 2011 until the end of June 2012. This extension allows for a call for expressions of interest to be launched for the renewal of the Platform, which is composed of EU-wide stakeholder organisations working in areas related to the food chain.

For media enquiries, please contact:
EFSA Media Relations Office
Tel: +39 0521 036 149
Email: Press [at]

Audiocast and documents

  1. Welcome and opening of the meeting by the Chair
    Audio file
  2. Adoption of the draft agenda
    Audio file
  3. Adoption of the minutes of the 49th MB meeting
    Audio file
  4. ED progress report
    Audio file
  5. EFSA’s science strategy
    Audio file
  6. Cooperation with the Member States – Discussion paper
    Audio file
  7. Update on EFSA activities on Emerging Risks
    Audio file
  8. Revision of the EFSA Management Board Rules of Procedure
    Audio file
  9. Renewal of the stakeholder consultative platform
    Audio file
  10. Revision of 2011 Management Plan
    Audio file
  11. Revision of the decision concerning access to documents
    Audio file
  12. Adaptation of EFSA budget structure 2012
    Audio file
  13. Amendments to the Art. 36 list of organisations
    Audio file
  14. Budget execution and year end forecast 2011
    Audio file
  15. Transfers in the EFSA budget 2011
    Audio file
  16. Update from the Audit Committee
    Audio file
  17. Update on external evaluation of EFSA
    Audio file
  18. AOB
    Audio file
