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EFSA assesses 2009 Post-Market Environmental Monitoring report for maize MON810

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published a scientific opinion on the 2009 Post-Market Environmental Monitoring ( PMEM Monitorizarea efectelor unui produs nou (de exemplu, o plantă modificată genetic) după introducerea sa pe piață. Poate dezvălui efecte adverse care nu au fost prevăzute în evaluarea riscurilor efectuată înainte de punerea pe piață. Acronimul provine de la termenul „post-market environmental monitoring” (monitorizarea mediului după introducerea pe piață)) report for the cultivation of genetically modified maize MON810. The PMEM report was assessed by EFSA’s Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO Panel) which concludes that maize MON810 cultivation for the 2009 growing season had no adverse effects on human and animal health or the environment. The GMO Panel also concluded that the outcomes of the PMEM report corroborate the findings of the previous EFSA risk assessment of maize MON810 from 2009. However, the GMO Panel pointed out a number of shortcomings in the methodology used for the monitoring and surveillance and makes several related recommendations to improve future data collection and reporting.

Monitoring is a key feature of the legislative framework on GM plants and, taken together with a rigorous pre-market environmental risk assessment and risk management, forms an important part of the cycle of measures in place to detect and limit possible adverse effects, including those that may occur over a long period of time. The PMEM report for MON810 was submitted by the producer on a voluntary basis as the original authorisation application from 1998 fell under the previous European Union regulatory framework (Directive 90/220/EC).

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