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The 31st plenary meeting of the AFC Panel - 8 and 9 July 2008

EFSA’s Scientific Panel on food additives, flavourings, processing aids and materials in contact with food (AFC) holds its final meeting on 8-9 July 2008 in Parma. The activities of the AFC Panel will be taken over by the new ANS and CEF Panels on 10 July 2008.

The AFC Panel had a wide-ranging mandate focused on assessing the safety of chemicals deliberately added to food and materials in contact with food. Following a decision of the Management Board, the AFC Panel will be replaced by the two separate Panels in order to increase further EFSA’s pool of expertise and boost output in this area.

The AFC Panel, chaired by Dr. Susan Barlow, brought together highly qualified scientists from a number of European countries with expertise in a range of relevant fields.

“The AFC Panel established since EFSA was created made a significant contribution to European Union risk assessment on substances we find in foods we eat every day, tackling such crucial issues as the safety of flavourings and food additives including colours,” said EFSA’s Director of Risk Assessment Dr. Riitta Maijala.

EFSA’s Management Board appointed Dr. Barlow as an independent member of the Scientific Committee (SC). In view of her current activities as Chair of the AFC Panel, her appointment as SC member will start on the day that the ANS and CEF Panels become operational (10 July 2008).