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46th Management Board meeting

The Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority has adopted EFSA’s 2011 Management Plan. Guided by EFSA’s 2009-2013 Strategic Plan, EFSA outlines how it will address its workload in the area of public health risks while meeting growing demands for evaluations of regulated products, or so-called applications. The Board also adopted the €77.3 million 2011 budget which EFSA requires to carry out its work to protect consumers and support the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart and sustainable innovation.

Webcast and documents

  1. Welcome and opening of the meeting | Presentation of the new Members, the Chair and the Vice-Chairs
  2. Address by the Belgian Presidency (00:03:11)
  3. Adoption of the draft agenda (00:03:33)
  4. ED progress report (01:36:66)
  5. Draft EFSA Communications Strategy: 2010-2013 perspective (02:21:00)
  6. Report back from Advisory Forum meeting | Address by John Dalli, EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy (02:49:00)
  7. Amended budget (02:59:00)
  8. Implementation of art. 36 on cooperation (03:15:00)
  9. Holding Management Board meetings in public (03:21:00)
  10. Budget execution and year end forecast (03:26:00)
  11. Transfers in the EFSA Budget (03:31:00)
  12. AOB (03:39:00)
Audio file


See also