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EFSA Technical Meeting with the Stakeholder Consultative Platform: Exchange of views on EFSA‘ s Draft Guidance for Submissions of Applications for Health Claims

EFSA held a technical meeting on the draft Guidance Document for applicants on the submission of health claims for authorisation that was agreed by the Panel on dietetic products, nutrition and allergies (NDA) in May and it is currently open for public comments until 17 June[1].
The purpose of this technical meeting was an exchange of views between experts of the Stakeholder Consultative Platform (i.e. industry, retailers, consumer organisations and other NGOs) and experts from the NDA Panel, its Working Group on Claims and EFSA staff.
The meeting which was chaired by Sue Davies, Chair of the Stakeholder Consultative Platform, was opened by a few short presentations to introduce the issue. EFSA’ s Deputy Executive Director and Director of Science Herman Koëter gave a presentation on EFSA’ s work related to health claims and Albert Flynn, Chair of EFSA’ s NDA Panel updated the participants on the work of the NDA Panel. The first part of the meeting ended with a presentation on the draft Guidance Document by Sean Strain, Chair of the NDA Working Group on Claims.
The focus of the meeting was on technical and scientific aspects of the Guidance Document. During the Tour de Table the stakeholders raised questions or made comments on the draft Guidance Document to be considered by the Panel. Among the topics raised were:
  • EFSA’s role as regards consumer understanding of the wording of a claim
  • How claims for ingredients and for products will be assessed
  • How evidence will be weighted including the types of human studies
  • Confidentiality versus transparency of data.
Whilst Panel Members provided further explanations on some topics where appropriate, the Panel will need more time to address other issues and questions raised in more detail. After the meeting Albert Flynn, Chair of the NDA Panel said: “We really had a lively discussion and I am impressed by the quality of the debate today. A number of very helpful comments have been made which will be very useful for the Panel’s work. We will carefully consider all comments made in order to finalise the Guidance Document. “
The draft Guidance Document will be on the web for public consultation until 17 June 2007 and interested parties are welcomed to submit their comments via EFSA ‘s website at the following address:  
The Agenda of the meeting and the list of participants are below enclosed.
For any further information about this technical meeting please contact:
Victoria Villamar                                                Alessandro Gianini
Senior Policy Officer                                           Assistant
victoria.villamar [at]                Alessandro.gianini [at]
