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EFSA publishes advice on follow-on formulae with lower protein content

Mother holding and feeding baby from bottle

Follow-on formula with a protein En slags molekyl som består av komplexa strängar av aminosyror (proteinernas byggstenar). content of at least 1.6 g/100 kcal made from either cow or goat’s milk is safe and suitable for infants living in Europe, EFSA says. Current EU legislation sets the minimum protein content at 1.8 g/100kcal.

For the scientific assessment, EFSA considered the dietary protein requirements of infants from 6 to 12 months of age, the protein content of breast milk during the first year of lactation, protein intake from dietary surveys in healthy European infants, and two specific studies.

EFSA concluded that follow-on formula with a protein content of at least 1.6 g/100 kcal from intact cow’s or goat’s milk protein, otherwise complying with the requirements of relevant EU legislation, is safe and suitable for healthy infants living in Europe.

EFSA also considered follow-on formulae containing protein from other sources than cow or goats’ milk. The available data did not allow EFSA to establish the safety and suitability of follow-on formulae with a similar protein content made from soy protein isolates or protein hydrolysates.

EFSA considered feedback received from interested parties during a seven week public consultation.

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