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Update of a database of host plants of Xylella fastidiosa: 20 November 2015

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Wiley Online Library

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Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA was tasked to periodically update its database of host plants of Xylella fastidiosa which was published in April 2015. An extensive literature search approach was used for updating the database in order to catch all new scientific developments published on the topic. Furthermore, the outputs of investigations conducted on host plants affected by X. fastidiosa in the Italian and French outbreaks were included. Literature screening and data extraction were performed using the Distiller platform. The protocol and the guideline applied for the Extensive Literature Search and for the update of the database are described in this report. The current version of the database includes reports of hosts of X. fastidiosa published up to 20 November 2015. The current list of X. fastidiosa host plant species consists of 359 plant species (including hybrids) from 204 genera and 75 different botanical families. Compared to the previous database, 44 new species and 2 new hybrids, 15 new genera and 5 new families were found. The majority of the additional species (70%) were reported in Apulia, Corsica and southern France.