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1st meeting of the EFSA Technical group on Notification of Studies Database





Day 1

  1. Welcome and Apologies for absence
    Participants tour de table
  2. Adoption of the agenda
  3. Introduction to Relationship Management Project
  4. Introduction to the Notification of Studies Database
  5. Introduction to Legal Entities and contact persons registration
  6. Notification of study processes and Q&A
  7. Discussion groups to collect feedback
  8. Presentations from discussions groups
  9. Closure of day 1

Day 2

  1. Opening of day 2
  2. Summary of previous day’s discussions
  3. Information to be notified
  4. Q&A on Information to be notified
  5. Test scenarios on Information to be notified
  6. Outcome of the exercise
  7. Practical working practices
  8. Next steps
  9. Final conclusions