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Working groups

No active working groups for this expert group.

Closed working groups

Benchmark dose (BMD) update

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Benchmark Dose - Standing WG

Available soon

Biological Relevance

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Data structures for tracing back and forward of products

Available soon

Guidance on statistical reporting

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Guidelines for expert knowledge elicitation

Meetings: minutes last updated:

PROMETHEUS (PROmoting METHods for Evidence Use in Scientific assessments) - Deliverable 2 "Analysis of methods for dealing with data and evidence applied by EFSA"

Meetings: minutes last updated:

PROMETHEUS (PROmoting METHods for Evidence Use in Scientific assessments) - Internal workshop

Meetings: minutes last updated:

RASFF on chemical contaminants

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Review of Guidance documents

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Substances in foods for infants

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Uncertainty in risk assessment

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Weight of Evidence

Meetings: minutes last updated: