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Annual Management Plan 2003

The European Food Safety Authority will become operational during 2003 with all four components in place: the Management Board, the Executive Director and staff, the Advisory Forum, the Scientific Committee and 8 Panels. The Authority will be building from near zero capability at the beginning of 2003 to an organisation which is able to function in several key areas.

During 2003, some Commission support in terms of staff and infrastructure is envisaged to ensure a smooth transfer of responsibilities to the Authority. The responsibility for planning, administrative support and many other functions will be transferred, in the main, to the Authority during the early part of 2003. One of the key triggers for this is the taking up of office of the Executive Director who, as the legal representative of the Authority, will take over its day to day management, including the appointment of staff and who will be able to constitute the Advisory Forum and manage the selection of the Scientific Committee and Panels.
