Opinion of the Scientific Panel on contaminants in the food chain [CONTAM] related to the toxicity of fishery products belonging to the family of Gempylidae.
Meta data
Fish, Gempylidae family, Oilfish, Ruvettus, Escolar, Lepidocybium, wax esters, diarrhoea, gastro-intestinal symptoms
Question number
Panel members at the time of adoption
Jan Alexander, Herman Autrup, Denis Bard, Angelo Carere, Lucio Guido Costa; Jean-Pierre
Cravedi, Alessandro Di Domenico, Roberto Fanelli, Johanna Fink-Gremmels, John Gilbert,
Philippe Grandjean, Niklas Johansson, Agneta Oskarsson, Andrew Renwick, Jirí Ruprich,
Josef Schlatter, Greet Schoeters, Dieter Schrenk, Rolaf van Leeuwen, Philippe Verger.
Cravedi, Alessandro Di Domenico, Roberto Fanelli, Johanna Fink-Gremmels, John Gilbert,
Philippe Grandjean, Niklas Johansson, Agneta Oskarsson, Andrew Renwick, Jirí Ruprich,
Josef Schlatter, Greet Schoeters, Dieter Schrenk, Rolaf van Leeuwen, Philippe Verger.
No abstract available
© European Food Safety Authority, 2009