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Webinar on scientific aspects to consider when preparing a health claim application

10:00 – 11:00 (GMT+01:00)

Agenda (125 KB)


The webinar presented practical case studies to illustrate key scientific issues to be considered when preparing health claims applications. The examples were presented by Prof Sean Strain and Prof Alfonso Siani (scientific experts of the EFSA’s working group on health claims) and focussed on claims based on the essentiality of nutrients and claims other than those based on the essentiality of nutrients.

The webinar was mainly addressed to applicants who intend to submit a health claim application for evaluation by EFSA. But it was also open to anybody interested in the new general scientific guidance for stakeholders on health claim applications.

A total of 310 people registered for the webinar, out of which 207 took part in the actual event. During the one-hour webinar, participants submitted a total of 44 scientific questions. All questions were addressed by a small team from EFSA’s Nutrition Unit, allowing an interactive and highly technical discussion.

Presentation and recording


Scientific aspects to consider when preparing a health claim application (996 KB)

Play recording:


For technical reasons, the first few seconds of the webinar were not recorded and the introduction of Prof Sean Strain was therefore lost. Hereafter is a short written introduction of Prof Strain.

Professor Sean Strain is professor emeritus of nutrition at the Ulster University in Coleraine, Northern Ireland. He has been a member of the NDA Panel and the chair of the health claims working group for nine years.

Supporting documents

General Scientific guidance for stakeholders on  health claim applications


Disclaimer and data protection note (160 KB)