Report on the methodology applied by EFSA to provide a quantitative assessment of pest-related criteria required to rank candidate priority pests as defined by Regulation (EU) 2016/2031
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In agreement with Article 6(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 on protective measures against pests of plants, the European Commission has been tasked by the Council and European Parliament to establish a list of Union quarantine pests which qualify as priority pests. The prioritisation is based on the severity of the economic, social and environmental impact that these pests can cause in the Union territory. The Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) is in charge of developing a methodology based on a multi-criteria decision analysis and composite indicators. In this context, EFSA has provided technical and scientific data related to these pests, in particular: (i) the potential host range and distribution of each of these pests in the Union territory at the level of NUTS2 regions; (ii) parameters quantifying the potential consequences of these pests, e.g. crop losses in terms of yield and quality, rate of spread and time to detection. Expert knowledge elicitation methodology has been applied by EFSA in order to provide those parameters in a consistent and transparent manner.